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The Fifty Shades of Grey Review - Who Is Christian Grey?

 I first heard of the novel Fifty Shades of Grey from a group of ladies on- you won't believe it, Christian TV! My thought of this issue was how did they know?  I never heard of it until I viewed this debate over one erotic series of books. Out of thousands of erotic books, this one was the talk of the town. Let's make it clear to those who don't know...There are thousands of erotic novels on amazon.  I waited years to watch the movies- right now I'm 😊 blushing because what on earth would my family think. So I watched it on Lifetime because I thought the edited version would appear more innocent, but it wasn't.

It was OK television but one thought is clear...This guy, Christian Grey, found his perfect wife during an interview with Anastasia Steele.  Without a matchmaker, his happy, new, life, suddenly walked through his office door. But it wasn't easy due to Christian's long contract.

In order to understand this rich guy, I went to the library and checked out Grey. I laughed at myself for daring to understand Christian Grey. I was blushing without making eye contact with the librarian.

This novel is very detailed and there is more information on who this guy is.

The sad part of this story begins with Christian's childhood. Another problem is Christian's adopted mother's best friend...Some people can spot a wounded soul and use it to their advantage.  Because of the submission Christian had with an older woman, he adopted her ways to go deep into darkness with flogging and spanking.  

Love doesn't hit or flog...Therefore Christian reveals his true self by hiding in his playroom. This woman who inflicted pain on Christian, could not teach him what true love is like.

However, Anastasia wanted his love, and his truth. Christian showed her why he couldn't let her touch him. For example, a gentle hug was never accepted until he began to trust again.

Christian's subs were chosen by the woman who inflicted submission on him and this is an important truth missing from the film. 

Anastasia Steele would not allow mistreatment on her body and she couldn't change who she really was regardless of how rich or handsome a guy is.

Christian had to recognize that Anastasia only wanted him and no one had to become broken with pain.

So how should I rate this story...Does it have one 🌟 or five stars. I can't rate it because it's so erotic and unique with negotiable contracts.

To continue Elena Lincoln is too heavily involved with Christian Grey's love life.  I believe this means she provides the submissive to make sure it's not serious.  For example, she calls herself the Ex in his private life, but and as mentioned before...Elena knows how to spot those with hardships in life and uses them to her advantaged.

It is also the reason why Christian has the need to hit and control everything around him.

The contracts are created just in case something goes wrong. This is a business deal, like everything else in his life. While reading I became scared for Ana because she's young and vulnerable.

Now we know who Christian went to dinner with- while Ana visited her mom in Georgia. And she asks Christian is she in the lifestyle. Elena must be involved in those group parties- private parties.

So can someone please tell me how a group of women would discuss this topic on Christian TV?

With Elena's flogging...Christian Grey accredited who he is as a man to this older woman.

In the novel, "Fifty Shades Darker," Elena asks Anastasia to go to lunch with her. This is after she threatened her concerning Christian, stating she better not hurt him. Again, Elena has the need to control Grey's life.

Also, there's a lot more sex in the book than the movie. It has me wondering if they held a lot of physical contact back and perhaps the movie could have been more steamy.

Leila Williams did purchase a gun and went to see Anastasia. After almost killing Grey's girlfriend...He gives his ex a bath in Ana's bathroom and gives her Ana's clothes to wear! This is something I couldn't understand.

Hickey, hickey, hickey...Everywhere there's hickies during their honeymoon.

In the red room they actually begin to use the butt plug! Anastasia doesn't say no...A completely changed woman. She's addicted to erotic pleasure! 

And when Christian went to New York and Ana stayed home and went out with Kate, and Jack entered their apartment- Christian found out she and Kate went drinking. He came home early and told Ana he wanted to punish her and "really beat the shit out of her!" was worse than the movie 🎬. 

Leila Williams and Susi visit Anastasia at her job. They call themselves the sub club. Leila thanks Ana for not pressing charges for damaging her car and entering her apartment. Christian payed for her art classes. She gave Christian several paintings! Ana just found out the truth of this...And Leila admitted to loving him.

Christian shows up and asks Leila what she is doing there. She leaves and the newlyweds argued but it's clear Leila was only a submissive. When Ana said Leila loves him too, he said, "I don't give a f***.


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